Here you can find my bookmarks.

Hadcat bookmarks koi fishes
koi fishes 16/06/2022

alcohol ink fluid with motifs 15/04/22

alcohol ink fluid with motifs  -> intermediate steps (ISt)

alcohol ink fluid 15/04/2022

alcohol ink fluid  -> intermediate steps (ISt)

linocut roses 31/03/20222

Hadcat bookmarks water design
water design 29/09/2021

mosaic 29/09/2021

mosaic  -> intermediate steps (ISt)

beach 27/09/2021

beach  -> intermediate steps (ISt)

Hadcat bookmark flowers roses
roses black-and-white 01/2019
Hadcat bookmark animal monkey
monkey 22/03/2018
Hadcat bookmark flower
blue white flower 21/10/2017
Hadcat bookmark flowers roses
roses colorful 10/2016